CB is proud to be experts in a variety of NDT inspection methods, offering both in-house and in-field testing opportunities to fit the specific needs of the project.

Radiography Inspection
A tremendously versatile volumetric NDT method which can be applied to virtually all material types, forms of manufactured products such as castings, welds, weldments and assemblies.
Primarily used for the detection of internal defects or voids but can also be applied to any product form or stage of manufacturing / processing to establish product quality level.
We provide both Film type & Computed Radiography to meet or exceed the requirements of our clientele.
We were the first company in 2010 in Canada to be approved by TSSA to conduct Computed Radiography leading the industry in heavy wall pressure vessel fabrication (1.5”- 8.5” thickness ranges).
Film Digitization
We provide film digitization which will accept any size film up to 14X17” and converts the hardcopy film radiograph to an electronic format. Ideal for film archiving and retrieval as simple as a keystroke. Specific contacts may require double loading of film to accommodate a second set of radiographs retained by the end user client. This can be eliminated by providing a second set of digital images of the original radiographs.
Ultrasonic Inspection
Ultrasonic inspection is a useful inspection method for locating and evaluating internal flaws in components and welds. This method is utilized for thickness gauging corrosion surveys on piping systems, storage tanks, pressure vessels, buildings & bridges using 'A' scan and 'B' scan digital equipment.​ An in-house immersion testing system is also offered for testing of other crucial equipment.
P.A.U.T – Phased Array UT
This advanced ultrasonic inspection utilizes multiple frequencies with multiple angles which provides exceptional capabilities for volumetric inspection for the detection of internal defects, voids to evaluate welds, weldments, product forms and base line thicknesses to establish quality level.
T.O.F.D – Time of Flight Diffraction
This advanced ultrasonic inspection method is a much more advanced technique of the older pitch catch ultrasonic method. Primarily used for the detection of internal defects or voids in welds, weldments and fabrications to establish product quality level.
Magnetic Particle
MT is an efficient NDT method for detecting surface breaking and near-surface breaking flaws in ferromagnetic materials. CB offers both in-house MT inspection using a full size bench as well as portable machines for on-site inspection.
6000 amp FWDC wet bench – stationary in-house
1000 - 4000 amp HW AC/DC - portable
Prod & cable wrap capabilities
Liquid Penetrant
PT is an economical and efficient NDT method for detecting surface breaking flaws in a wide variety of materials. CB offers both in-field capabilities as well as a full-scale in-house fluorescent penetrant system.
Hardness Testing
CB provides hardness equipment with the following techniques :
Vickers hardness value which is determined with a 5 KGF test load diamond tip using the UCI principle.
LEEB hardness value which is determined with a 3mm diameter tungsten carbide ball.
Positive Material Identification
A portable inspection method capable of rapidly verifying the correct grade of alloy and can be applied to welding rods, wires & weld deposits, and valves & components and fasteners. CB provides both XRF & LIBS positive material analysis.
Visual Inspection
CB provides professional, certified visual inspection for the following: New fabrication and on-site construction of structural steel buildings, bridges, machinery, pressure vessels, storage tanks and piping systems.
Other Services
Represent independent parties to facilitate Quality assurance and Quality control.
Consulting services to establish QA/QC requirements specific to the unique contract requirements which involve Visual & NDT services, procedures, capabilities and limitations.
Supporting clients achieve and maintain ASME – TSSA accreditations and approvals.
Support third party client-based audits to achieve approved vendor status.
Research and development for clients that require Visual & NDT methods and how they can be applied to new products for which standard inspection techniques are not applicable or available.
NDT demonstrations to support new editions of codes and standards.
Film archiving and storage via digital media.